A new website for #Engageresponsibly, an organization dedicated to combating hate speach.
"Engage Responsibly" is a movement aimed at promoting understanding and taking action to significantly reduce online hate speech by 2025. This initiative was spearheaded by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), an organization with a longstanding partnership with Studio Simpatico.
Sketch / Illustrator / InVision
Visual Design / Web Design / Quality Assurance / Illustration / Usability Testing
UI / UX Designer Me
UX Lead Tamara Olson
Design Director Bruce Viemeister
Brand Identity Ogilvy
1 month
View Live Site
01 Inspiration
Extending the brand identity to web design
Brand Identity
Leveraging the visual identity crafted by Pernod Ricard and Ogilvy, the vibrant colors and varied word balloons seamlessly unite the entire website, leaving a positive and impactful impression.
02 Responsive Web Design
Speach bubbles become interactive UIs
Design Approach
We've effectively employed word balloons as the primary visual elements in our user interface design. Moreover, these word balloons adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and breakpoints, ensuring a responsive user experience.